Defending and Confirming the Gospel
The Bible is backed up by an amazing amount of archaeological evidence and scholarly work on the texts of the Old and New Testaments. This page is intended to present some of the most relevant and to make simple some of the work of Bible scholars that will fortify our faith.
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Did the Disciples really have what it took to write the Gospels?
The language and literary skills of the Gospel writers out them in a category with the best writers of the ancient world. How could simple fishermen have that skill? Read on and see.
How can we discern between the true and the False?
A recent Internet conversation led to this question: With all the truth claims by people and groups - Indian guru Sathya Sai Baba being one - how can we determine which is true? The answer is in the dirt and rocks reality of history.

What do you do with Jesus if you do not believe?
Increasingly the critics of Christianity are running out of arguments from science or philosophy and have turned to the idea that Jesus the Messiah was a myth created by the writers of the Gospels who in some cases mined the pagan myths for themes, motifs, and tropes. It is becoming increasingly sophisticated, but nevertheless fails when examined.
The historicity of the New Testament
One of the persistent challenges to the real-life Jesus the Messiah and Son of God is a movement called today the Mythical Jesus. Its claim is that Jesus of the Gospels is a myth and not an actual person who lived at the beginning of the first century. There are many evidences in the New Testment that refute that idea, but every once in a while another occurs to me. This one discussed in the article linked here is the evolution of the Lord's Supper from a primitive practice in Acts to an orderly prescribed practice in the church some three decades later.

The Reliability of the Bible
How can we be sure that our Bibles are reliable copies of the original documents written by Apostles and prophets?
Click on the preview to the left to read.
How Did We Get the New Testament?
Who wrote the different books and how did these books become accepted by the early church as inspired scripture?
Click on the preview then choose Google slides.

Eyewitnesses. Were There Any?
One of the more often heard objections to the Gospels is that they were written years after the events and by men who did not see or hear Jesus. Is that true?
Click on the preview to the left to find out.
My name is Don Camp. I have been a Pastor and Bible teacher for over 30 years. During that time, I wrote many papers for my students on the subject of the reliability of the Bible and created slide shows that my students could go back to again and again.
The papers and slide show on this page are a few that may be of interest to those who want to know more about our wonderful book, the Bible, and our incredible God.