The revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave him to show his servants what must happen very soon
A reading guide to this fascinating but sometimes puzzling book

Introduction to the book and the author.

Chapter 1
Jesus Christ
After the introduction to the Lord Jesus and his command to John to write what he will see and hear to the churches, we read the message to seven particular churches that were in the area of Ephesus where John was the bishop and Apostle in residence.

Chapter 2
To the churches at Ephesus, Smyrna, Pergamos, and Thyatira

Chapter 3
To the churches at Sardis, Philadelphia, and Laodicia

Chapter 4
God whose is above all things worthy of worship.

Chapter 5
The Lord Jesus and the scroll that holds the future.

Chapter 6
Ramping up to the end.
Beginning with chapter six and the opening of the seals, we follow the unfolding of events both in heaven and earth as the world approaches the end of the present world and the coming of the Great King.

Chapter 7
Before things get really hot.

Chapter 8
Satan's destructiveness revealed.

Chapter 9
Satan exposed.

Chapter 10
A preview of things to come.

Chapter 11
The time has finally come.

Chapter 12
The history of Israel and the saints.
What follows is the second half of the time of tribulation and the time of God's judgment.

Chapter 13
The reign of the beast and his mark.

Chapter 14
A preview of the end.

Chapter 15

Chapter 16
The end of the world's systems.

Chapter 17
The political system of the beast and the world is destroyed.

Chapter 18
The economy of the beast and world system is destroyed.

Chapter 19
The beast and his kingdom are defeated by a simple word of command by the Lord at his coming.

Chapter 20
The millennial age and judgement.

Chapters 21 and 22
The beginning of Forever and the New Heaven and new Earth