To the Ends of the Earth

The Lord's Commissiuon , chapter 1
Chapter one explains Luke's purpose in writing. It was to follow up all that Jesus began to do and teach with the sending of the Holy Spirit to empower the disciples as his witnesses from Jerusalem to the ends of the world.

The Holy Spirit Makes the Difference, chapter 2
The church is born when many in Jerusalem for the Feast of Weeks repent and are born anew by the Holy Spirit.

All the Nations Will Be Blessed, chapter 3
There is one last chance for Israel. This chapter describes God's final offer.

The Jewish Leaders Seal Their Fate, chapter 4
Jesus told his disciples in a parable that the leaders of the Jews and the nation would have another year or two of grace to decide if they would receive Jesus as Messiah. In this chapter they have reached the end of that time and have not repented.

A Warning, Chapter 5
Holiness is important.

New Problem, New Solution, Chapter 6
The Apostles needed to share the duties with others.

Stephen's Offer and Warning, Chapter 7
Stephen is given the opportunity of giving the nation one last chance. They could yet own the Savior as their Savior.

To the Nations, Chapter 8
God begins sending the Gospel to the nations, beginning with Sameria.

God Calls a Messenger, Chapter 9
Pivot points in world history are few, but the day Saul the bitter enemy of the church and of Jesus became Paul the Apostle to the nations is one.