Bible Reading Guides
Around the world, many readers in distant places do not have the resources to help them understand the Bible. Others do not have resources written for the average Bible reader; the language is too dense and academic. These study guides are designed to make Bible study available to every reader.
The first guide Messiah: The Life of Jesus According to Matthew arose from my teaching of Matthew to 9th grade students fifteen years ago. It incorporated many of the handouts I had created for them. And it was written on their level. I originally called it a student's guide to Matthew. I have slightly updated the original to speak older readers.
This first volume was also created for publication as a paperback book on Amazon. It can still be purchased from Amazon as either a paperback or Kindle book. You can order it here Amazon
The book has been used by individuals and study groups, but on Amazon it is not easily found. That led me to recreate it as a PDF and make it available to all for free of charge on the web. I have done the same with the several additional studies here. Presently there are eight guides, though several are works in progress. Those that are in PDF format may be downloaded freely at no cost.