
Ephesians 1.pdf

Blessed with every spiritual blessing, 

chaPter 1

Ephesians 2.pdf

by grace you are saved, 

chapter 2

Because we are ALL recipients of the grace by which we are saved, there is no difference between Jews and Gentiles. 

Ephesians 3.pdf

The BaSis of Unity in the Body of Christ,  chapter 3

The basis of unity is the grace of God toward us all. 

Ephesians 4.pdf

Maintain Unity in the Body of Christ, 

Chapter 4 

For the churches to whom Paul wrote this general letter, disunity was a problem. Paul writes in chapter 4 about how to maintain unity. 

Ephesians 5.pdf

Submission to the Lord,

 chapter 5

Though Paul addresses the practical submission of wives to their husbands and love of husbands for their wives, it is really sour submission to the Lord and his love form us that is Paul's truth. 

Ephesians 6.pdf

The Armor of God, 

chapter 6

Be prepared for opposition and divisions due to false teaching. That is what the armor of God is all about.